Yesterday I put the kale, onions and kohlrabi I started in early February. In addition, I stopped by the garden center and got a few scoops of onion sets (one red, one super sweet yellow) to augment my cipollini onion seedlings. It was just $1.50/large scoop so I figured why not? Especially since I hadn't started enough onions from seed to fill that portion of the garden. Of course, 2 scoops was too much and onions are now overflowing into the flower beds, but whatever. We eat an alarming amount of onions.
In addition, my arugula and mustard have sprouted in abundance and the lettuce is coming along too (I think I sowed some of that a bit too deep). I've not had good luck with direct sowing thanks to digging critters, so I'm really excited that thus far this is working out!
Speaking of critters.....
As I was planting, I heard a rustling sound of a animal. You should know I'm terrified of most small-medium garden animals (mice, moles, voles, rats, chipmunks, etc.). I remained calm & quickly finished up only to spy the source of the sound...a very fat bunny. I'm happy to report that either the bunny is too full feasting on my heurcheras, crocus and toad lily sprouts or is adequately deterred by my taller raised beds. The kale and kohlrabi are nibble-free...for now at least!
How lovely that all looks! I should really commit to a raised garden..